Joint Purpose is new, my experience isn’t
Making a difference together, beyond borders and cultures
I enjoy working with people from diverse cultures. The diversity of views, ways of working, great humour, creativity and inspiring stories are fascinating. Working together for a better world, beyond countries, borders and cultures. I find that very enriching!
With my family I lived in Zambia, Malawi, South Africa and The Netherlands. I have experienced how much can be achieved by working together. I know the development sector, trends and have a broad network. After many years in management positions, I have now decided to contribute my experience to help organisations work together more equally and effectively.
Increasingly, organisations are working together in networks, alliances, coalitions. That is a positive trend, since organisations can add so much towards one another.
I have seen how much potential there is and how rewarding collaborations can be. I have also seen the importance of Shift the Power: more and real say for people and organisations in the global South, since they are the ones who most directly feel the consequences of policies and actions.
True partnerships that integrate Shift the Power start with moving beyond us and them, In such partnerships all partners contribute to joint ambitions for a better world, based on the combined powers, strengths and added value of each actor. Then powers are combined and lead to better results and impact.
I have a long experience in working in alliances and partnerships, as well as processes of decentralisation. For ICCO I established and managed the Southern Africa Regional Office and got engaged in collaborations with governments, private sector and civil society. With NLR I guided the transformation of a Dutch based organisation with field offices towards an international alliance of independent NGOs. During my studies on Entrepreneurship in Organisational Change at SIOO I focused on the functioning of international networks.
My long management experience in Africa and The Netherlands allows me to move beyond concepts only, and make it practical. That’s what I aim to achieve with Joint Purpose!
I am a Certified Management Consultant by the Netherlands Order of Organisational Advisors (Ooa)

Gerrit adds great international experience, skills and humour to your team, trajectory or session!
Linda Hummel
CEO at NLR | until No Leprosy Remains